Do It Yourself
Employee Retention Credit

I have been in business for 24 years and have 58 employees. I was inspired to start this business after spending countless hours trying to inform other business owners about the Employee Retention Credit. There are billions of dollars earmarked for business owners that worked hard to keep people employed during covid. The only problem is that very few business owners actually no anything about it AND if they do they believe they don't qualify. This is due to the poorly written and constantly changing rules laid out by the understaffed IRS. I am eternally grateful to the IRS for this program, but the way it has been structured and advertised to business owners is horrendous. The only people advertising this program is the countless thousands of "Fly By Night" ERC businesses that try and spam the general public with "$26,000 PER EMPLOYEE!!" ads. This has resulted in the majority of business owners (like myself) thinking this is some type of scam. I ignored the advertising about this program for 2 years because I thought it was a scam!! How many other business owners are doint the same? I have talked to dozens of business owners like myself and I have not found a single one that knows anything about the ERC program. If they do know anything about it they believe it is a scam or that they do not qualify. This was my understanding for 2 years until this November when I took the time to start researching some advertising I received from these bogus companies. I found out that not only is this program real, but I qualify for 1.6 million dollars! I could of continued ignoring these notices and lost the opportunity to collect the largest small business payroll tax refund IN HISTORY!! And how could anyone blame me for ignoring the constant spam thrown at my email. I have not met a single business owner that believes the program is real. Everyone I explain it to thinks I am trying to sell them something.
I started to realize that I am spending so much time educating people in person and online trying with all my might to convince my friends and family that this is real and if they don't file it I can do it for them for nothing! Still they don't believe me. If they do believe me they think it will negatively impact their taxes or that its to complicated to mess with. It is complicated BUT it is far from impossible. This is the biggest incentive for being in business EVER IN THE HISTORY OF THE USA! It is a gift for being in business and struggling during covid lockdown to keep people employed.
People think they don't qualify and my first question is "do you have employees?". If the answer is yes I say they probably qualify. I have not found a single business that had employees during covid that does not qualify. I decided that enough was enough. While I went through the process of studying all the changes to the ERC program and working with my accountant I documented every step. I have turned that outline into a business that can guide you in filing your ERC yourself OR allow us to help you with each step. We also offer the option of doing everything for the cheapest fee in the USA if you want that instead. I came up with the idea because no matter where I looked on the internet I could not find anyone that could just help me with this! I spoke to my accountant and got some direction and assistance, but I actually found out most of what he told me was inaccurate. When I asked about this I realized he was getting his information from "Paychex" website which has completely outdated directions that have not been accurate for nearly a year. The IRS directions are from 2020 and have changed nearly 10 times! Each change they make is 20-80 pages and is impossible to read! In a few days we will release a "do it yourself" course that will supply you a step by step process to navigate filing this credit for your business! We will supply you the up to date paperwork, the proper steps, and help you double check everything before you send it in!
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